Starting a new project? ProListen manages.

ProListen covers the full spectrum, from creating the project charter to facilitating the final post mortem after project completion. We work in your office, or remotely, depending on the needs of your project.


Have a troubled project? ProListen rescues.

Every so often, a project gets stuck. ProListen interviews your team, reviews available project documentation, and analyzes existing deliverables to identify issues and develop a course for correction. If necessary or desirable, ProListen can take over the management of the project or coach an internal project manager through the remainder of the project.


At maximum project capacity? ProListen makes you smarter.

ProListen conducts workshops on numerous project management functions, works with teams and individuals to set up project management tools and processes, and provides one-on-one project management coaching.


ProListen approaches engagements in stages. At the end of phase completions, ProListen provides assessments and feedback  with the intention of enabling you to tackle the next phase with the partner of your choice.


ProListen brings some serious gray matter to the table. Coupling this with our ability to listen, engage, and ask questions to fully utilize the intelligence of your organization, we are able to lead you and your teams to tackle projects more effectively.


ProListen can manage your project directly or coach you as you improve your organization's project capacity. Engage ProListen anywhere along the spectrum between on-the-ground services and high level consulting.

Think you might like to work with us? Contact us by phone (617-501-5452) or email to get the conversation started.